Post Card Mailed to Property Owners in Tyrone - February 2024
The TWWA Board of Directors in a Special Meeting on February 7, 2024 proposed to adopt another step in recovering delinquent funds from property owners who are not paying their $65.00/month assessment. In addition to filing liens, the proposed Resolution 2024-14 adopts new Rules and Regulations which include a provision to shut off property owners' water supply if their unpaid assessments are over 90 days overdue. There is a hardship exemption that property owners' can apply for if they are unable to pay due to medical conditions. This hardship exemption has to be renewed every 90 days.
At the February 21, 2024 TWWA Board meeting, the Board selected five homeowners at random using numbered balls placed in a bucket. Eddie Mendoza, our water and wastewater operator drew the balls and Angie Roach, Board Secretary recorded the numbers and correlated them with the numbered list of delinquent homeowners. These homeowners will be send a registered letter with a copy of the newly adopted Rules & Regulations informing them of the steps in resolving their delinquencies. We will work through the delinquent list diligently with the intent of having all property owners in Tyrone pay their fair share of the operational costs of the water and wastewater system.
Property owners in arrears are encouraged to contact Alan Berg at (575) 654-0391 to avoid having the water shut off for non-payment.